领事拒绝B-1/B-2签证申请,要么是申请的事由不充分,要么就是申请人没有返国的意图,或两者皆有,只要能提供有充分理由的事由或返国意图的旁证,顺利通过应该没有什么问题。但你们的情况在目前来说显然不符合这个条件,除非你们能提供在国内有更多的资产证明,有非回国不可的原因,这样才能能证明你们的意图只是临时进入美国, 目的仅为旅游。不过由于B-1/B-2签证是一种随时都可申请的签证,因此申请应体察被拒的原因,待有了充分的理由或能提交新的材料时再行申请.
签证官的确是看你的职业是什么,他们会由此判断你在中国的生活水平,如果他们认为你在中国的生活不平不怎么样,他们会做出你有移民倾向,会滞留美国);二,不是直系亲属 但是你也不灰心,我以前回答过别人网友这类问题也说过,签证在你准备好真实的材料之后,能拿到签证全靠运气.
1.我的通知书上写的是2010年-2014年为学习时间,允许提前修完学分提早毕业。所以,我计划用两年半左右的时间学完我的硕士学位。因为用四年来修硕士实在是时间太长了,何况我是女孩,四年以后我的年龄就不小了。最重要的是我不能让我的男朋友等那么久。 My offer allows me to study in the US during 2010 to 2014 and I can graduate in advance if I get enough credits. So I plan to finish my master degree in 2 and a half year because 4 year is too long to a girl. The point is I cant make my bf wait for so long. 2.我的男朋友很支持我,能有机会到美国去深造,谁想错过,何况这也是为了我们以后打算。 My bf supports me a lot to get further education in the US since it's a great chance for our future. 3.我男朋友不会去的,他有固定工作,而且现在事业正在上升时期,如果放弃了,一切都要重头开始,他的英语也不是很好,他要是去陪读了这样对我们以后的生活都不好。我去两年多,不算很长,期间我的来去时间是自由的,过节我会回家看望父母和他的。 My bf wont go with me because he already has a promising job. Once he give up, he has to start with nothing. And his English is poor as well. its bad for he follow me since it effects our future.I will stay in the US for just over 2 years, which is not a long time. I will be free to come back to visit my parents and him during that time. 4.你知道吗?能得到到这个学校学习的机会实在是太难得了,而且美国的教育在世界是首屈一指的,这个学校是全美国最大的私立艺术类院校,它1929年就建校了,校长是**。我在高中时候就已经听说过这所大学了。在上大学时候,我的老师也经常提到这个大学。 You know, its really hard for me to get this opportunity to study at this college since American education is the best in the world. This college is the largest private art college in the US, which was founded in 1929. The president is **. I've heard this school when I was in high school and my instructors in college also mentioned it frequently. 6.我考了雅思,分数是*,成绩不太理想,但是我认为语言并不能决定一切,我的专业才是我证明实力的重要凭证。其实,***学校并没有要求一定要有语言成绩。我的适应能力很强,到了美国,我会尽快把英语学好。 I have took the IELTS test and the grade is * which is not good enough. I believe the language cant determin everything. While my profressor is a proof of my ability. Actually, my school doesnt require my languege grade. im an adaptable person so i will learn english quickly when im in the US. 7.我准备了**美元的存款证明,因为当时申请学校的时候要求证明这么多,所以就一起开了两份。一份是交给学校的,一份是给大使馆看的。如果,您认为太少的话,我家里还有多余的钱,我可以再存一些,这些很容易的。 I've prepared a proof of ** dollar deposit because my school needs that. I have 2 copies of the proof, one for school and one for the embassy. If your think its not enough, I can deposit more, thats not a big deal. 累啊。。。多给点分吧。。 分数拿来哇!