
百乐攻略 9 0

会计专业是研究生留学当中最为热门的专业之一,但可能有些申请人并不了解,部分大学对会计专业申请人有特定的先修课要求。简单可以分成三类,第一类必需是会计学背景,第二类是否是会计学背景均可,有少量先修课要求,第三类必需不能是会计学本科背景。本文将美国排名前50名中有会计学硕士项目的学校一一解析,文章很长,请耐心翻页阅读。 1. Washington University in St. Louis Master of Accounting While thereare no specific accounting course prerequisites for admission to the MACCprogram, most applicants will have completed Principles of FinancialAccounting, Principles of Managerial Accounting, and perhaps other moreadvanced accounting courses prior to entering their MACC studies. Students whohave not previously taken accounting course work would be required to come to Washington University in August to take preliminary course work prior to thestart of the regular academic year. These preliminary courses are in additionto the 33 hours of graduate-level course work required for the MACC degree. 简单说,有先修课要求,但如果没有达到,也可到学校之后再补充,只不过要另交钱。 2.Vanderbilt University (TN) Master of Accountancy Studentsentering the MAcc program need to have demonstrated strong academic performancein prior university studies. Students must have completed introductory coursesin financial accounting, managerial accounting, statistics and microeconomicsfrom an accredited school, with a grade of B or better. 有先修课要求,而且成绩还得好,至少B以上。 3.University of Notre Dame (IN) Master of Science in Accountancy The followingprerequisite coursework is required by applicants to the program: Accounting:· Accounting Accountancy I(Financial Accounting)· Accounting Accounting II(Managerial Accounting)· Measurement and Disclosure I(Intermediate Accounting I)· Measurement and Disclosure II(Intermediate Accounting II)· Strategic Cost Management (CostAccounting)· Audit Assurance Services· Federal Taxation OTHER: (IntroductoryLevel)· Finance· Management· Marketing· Macroeconomics· Microeconomics· Information Technology / ComputerScience· Statistics 超级多先修课要求,不一一赘述,而且这个项目还喜欢招中国有名校背景的学生,慎选。

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