本文先先列出了一些热门专业,然后不同的专业按照性价比的高低列出一系列院校,以供参考。 *The list of U.S. universities is sorted by subjects and then by tuition fee (from high to low).以下之美国大学名单先按科目排列, 再按学费高低排列。 Computer Science电脑科学 Business Administration商业行政管理 Accounting 会计 Computer Engineering电脑工程 Information Science信息科学 COMPUTER SCIENCE (电脑科学) 1.US$: 8251 Address: 201 S. Presidents Circle, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Tel: 801-581-7281 Web-site: www.utah.edu 2.US$: 8808 Address: Austin TX 78712-1157 Tel: 512-475-7399 Web-site: www.utexas.edu 3.US$: 9041 Address: Stony Brook, NY 11794 Tel: 800-USB-SUNY Web-site: www.sunysb.edu 4.US$: 9410 Address: Buffalo, NY 14260 Tel: 716-645-6900 Web-site: www.buffalo.edu 5.US$: 9921 Address: 225 North Ave. NW, Atlanta, GA 30332 Tel: (404) 894-4154 Web-site: www.gatech.edu 6.US$: 11222 Address: College Park, MD 20742 Tel: 800-422-5867 Web-site: www.umd.edu 7.US$: 11370 Address: Shepherd Rd., PAC 595, Sprintfield, IL 62794-9243 Tel: 217 786-6626 Web-site: www.uis.edu 8.US$: 11475 Address: 190 N. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210 Tel: 614-292-3980 Web-site: www.ohio-stste.edu 9.US$: 11852 Address: 100 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455-0213 Tel: 800-752-1000 Web-site: www.umn.edu/tc 10.US$: 13437 Address: 405 Hilgard Ave Los Angeles CA 90095-1436 Tel: 310-825-3101 Web-site: www.ucla.edu 11.US$: 13449 Address: Irvine CA 92717 Tel: 949-824-6703 Web-site: www.uci.edu 12.US$: 13458 Address: 300 Campus Dr. Bradford PA 16701-2898 Tel: 800-872-1787 Web-site: www.upb.pitt.edu 13.US$: 13479 Address: 320 Schmitz Hall, Box 355840, Seattle WA 98195-58400 Tel: 206-543-9686 Web-site: www.washington.edu 14.US$: 13751 Address: Berkeley CA 94720 Tel: 510-642-3175 Web-site: www.berkeley.edu 15US$: 15095 Address: P.O. Box 1892 Houston TX 77005-1892 Tel: 800-527-OWLS Web-site: www.rice.edu BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (商业行政管理) 1.US$: 7402 Address: Baton Rouge LA 70803 Tel: 504-388-1175 Web-site: www.lsu.edu 2.US$: 7633 Address: 335 116Th Ave SE Bellevue WA 98004 Tel: 800-426-5596 Web-site: www.cityu.edu 3.US$: 8251 Address: 201 S. Presidents Circle, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Tel: 801-581-7281 Web-site: www.utah.edu 4.US$: 8277 Address: 4800 Calhoun Houston TX 77004 Tel: 713-743-1010 Web-site: www.uh.edu 5.US$: 8808 Address: Austin TX 78712-1157 Tel: 512-475-7399 Web-site: www.utexas.edu: 6.US$: 9110 Address: P.O. Box 870112, Tempe, AZ 85287-0112 Tel: 602-965-7788 Web-site: www.asu.edu 7.US$: 9114 Address: P.O Box 210044 Tucson, AZ 85721-0040 Tel: 520-621-3237 8.US$: 9410 Address: Buffalo, NY 14260 Tel: 716-645-6900 Web-site: www.buffalo.edu 9.US$: 9455 Address: Gainesville FL 32611 Tel: 352-392-1365 Web-site: www.ufl.edu 10.US$: 9744 Address: University Plaza Atlanta GA 30303 Tel: 404-651-2365 Web-site: www.gsu.edu 11.US$: 9881 Address: College Station, TX 77843 Tel: 409-845-3741 Web-site: www.tamu.edu 12.US$: 9921 Address: 225 North Ave. NW, Atlanta, GA 30332 Tel: (404) 894-4154 Web-site: www.gatech.edu 13.US$: 11222 Address: College Park, MD 20742 Tel: 800-422-5867 Web-site: www.umd.edu 14.US$: 11370 Address: Shepherd Rd., PAC 595, Sprintfield, IL 62794-9243 Tel: 217 786-6626 Web-site: www.uis.edu 15.US$: 11404 Address: East Lansing MI 48824-0590 Tel: 517-355-8332 Web-site: www.msu.edu 16.US$: 11408 Address: 1801 N. Broad St. Philadelphia, PA 19122-1803 Tel: 888-267-5870 Web-site: www.temple.edu ACCOUNTING (会计学) 1.US$: 7402 Address: Baton Rouge LA 70803 Tel: 504-388-1175 Web-site: www.lsu.edu 2.US$: 11475 Address: 190 N. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210 Tel: 614-292-3980 Web-site: www.ohio-stste.edu 3.US$: 8251 Address: 201 S. Presidents Circle, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Tel: 801-581-7281 Web-site: www.utah.edu 4.US$: 11370 Address: Shepherd Rd., PAC 595, Sprintfield, IL 62794-9243 Tel: 217 786-6626 Web-site: www.uis.edu 5.US$: 8808 Address: Austin TX 78712-1157 Tel: 512-475-7399 Web-site: www.utexas.edu 6.US$: 9114 Address: PO Box 210040, Tucson, AZ 85721-0040 Tel: 520-621-3237 Web-site: www.arizona.edu 7.US$: 9455 Address: Gainesville FL 32611 Tel: 352-392-1365 Web-site: www.ufl.edu 8.US$: 9881 Address: College Station, TX 77843 Tel: 409-845-3741 Web-site: www.tamu.edu 9.US$: 11370 Address: Shepherd Rd., PAC 595, Sprintfield, IL 62794-9243 Tel: 217 786-6626 Web-site: www.uis.edu 10.US$: 11404 Address: East Lansing, MI 48824-0590 Tel: 517-355-8332 Web-site: www.msu.edu 11.US$: 11408 Address: 1801 N. Broad St. Philadelphia, PA 19122-1803 Tel: 888-267-5870 Web-site: www.temple.edu 12.US$: 11475 Address: 190 N. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210 Tel: 614-292-3980 Web-site: www.ohio-stste.edu 13.US$: 11784 Address: West Lafayette IN 47907 Tel: 765-494-1776 Web-site: www.purdue.edu 14.US$: 11852 Address: 100 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455-0213 Tel: 800-752-1000 Web-site: www.umn.edu/tc 15.US$: 12309 Address: 300 N. Jordan Ave., Bloomington, IN 47405 Tel: 812-855-0661 Web-site: www.indiana.edu/iub COMPUTER ENGINEERING (电脑工程) 1.US$: 9110 Address: P.O. Box 870112, Tempe, AZ 85287-0112 Tel: 602-965-7788 Web-site: www.asu.edu 2.US$: 9114 Address: P.O Box 210044 Tucson, AZ 85721-0040 Tel: 520-621-3237 Web-site: www.arizona.edu 3.US$: 9152 Address: 314 Alumni Hall, Ames IA 50011-2010 Tel: 800-262-3810 Web-site: www.iastate.edu 4.US$: 9455 Address: Gainesville, FL 32611 Tel: 352-392-1365 Web-site: www.ufl.edu 5.US$: 9921 Address: 225 North Ave. NW, Atlanta, GA 30332 Tel: (404) 894-4154 Web-site: www.gatech.edu 6.US$: 11370 Address: 506 S. Wright St. Urbana, IL 61801 Tel: 217-333-0302 Web-site: www.uiuc.edu 7.US$: 11784 Address: West Lafayette IN 47907 Tel: 765-494-1776 Web-site: www.purdue.edu 8.US$: 12107 Address: Columbia MO 65211 Tel: 573-882-2456 Web-site: www.missouri.edu 9.US$: 12252 Address: Cincinnati OH 45221-0091 Tel: 513-556-1100 Web-site: www.uc.edu 10.US$: 13437 Address: 405 Hilgard Ave Los Angeles CA 90095-1436 Tel: 310-825-3101 Web-site: www.ucla.edu 10.US$: 13751 Address: Berkeley CA 94720 Tel: 510-642-3175 Web-site: www.berkeley.edu 11.US$: 18546 Address: 10900 Eucilid Ave, Cleveland OH 44106 Tel: 216-368-4450 Web-site: www.cwru.edu 12.US$: 18900 Address: 201 Tolley Admin Bldg Syracuse NY 13244 Tel: 315-443-3611 Web-site: www.syracuse.edu 13.US$: 19156 Address: Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Tel: 734-764-7433 Web-site: www.umich.edu 14.US$: 20400 Address: Castle Point on Hoboken, NJ 07030 Tel: 800-458-5323 Web-site: www.stevens-tech.edu INFORMATION SCIENCE (信息科学) 1.US$: 5670 Address: Birmingham, AL 35294 Tel: 800-421-8743 Web-site: main.uab.edu 2.US$: 11222 Address: College Park, MD 20742 Tel: 800-422-5867 Web-site: www.umd.edu 3.US$: 11475 Address:190 N. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210 Tel: 614-292-3980 Web-site: www.ohio-stste.edu 4.US$: 13449 Address: Irvine CA 92717 Tel: 949-824-6703 Web-site: www.uci.edu 5.US$: 13458 Address: 300 Campus Dr. Bradford PA 16701-2898 Tel: 800-872-1787 Web-site: www.upb.pitt.edu 6.US$: 13604 Address: 9500 Gilman Dr. La Jolla 92093 Tel: 619-534-4831 Web-site: www.ucsd.edu