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1. Accounting(会计):The process of recording, classifying, and summarizing financial transactions to provide financial information that is used in making business decisions. 2. Accountant(会计师):A professional who is responsible for preparing financial statements, analyzing financial data, and advising on financial matters. 3. Financial statement(财务报表):A report that provides information about a companys financial position, performance, and cash flows. 4. Balance sheet(资产负债表):A financial statement that shows a company’s assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time. 5. Income statement(损益表):A financial statement that shows a company’s revenues, expenses, and profits over a specific period of time. 6. Cash flow statement(现金流量表):A financial statement that shows the inflows and outflows of cash for a company over a specific period of time. 7. Cost accounting(成本会计):The process of recording, classifying, and allocating costs to products or services. 8. Cost behavior(成本行为):The way in which costs vary with changes in activity levels. 9. Cost-volume-profit analysis(成本、销售量、利润分析):An analysis that helps managers understand how changes in cost, volume, and price affect a company’s profits.


1. Cost control(成本控制):The process of managing and reducing costs in order to increase a company’s profitability. 2. Budget(预算):A plan that lays out how a company will allocate its resources over a specific period of time. 3. Variance analysis(差异分析):An analysis that compares actual results to budgeted results in order to identify areas of potential improvement. 4. Direct cost(直接成本):A cost that can be directly attributed to a specific product or service. 5. Indirect cost(间接成本):A cost that cannot be directly attributed to a specific product or service. 6. Fixed cost(固定成本):A cost that remains constant regardless of changes in activity levels. 7. Variable cost(可变成本):A cost that changes with changes in activity levels. 8. Break-even analysis(盈亏平衡分析):An analysis that identifies the level of sales at which a company will break even.


1. Revenue(收入):The amount of money that a company earns from its products or services. 2. Sales forecast(销售预测):An estimate of how much a company expects to sell during a specific period of time. 3. Sales budget(销售预算):A budget that lays out how much a company plans to sell during a specific period of time. 4. Production budget(生产预算):A budget that lays out how much a company plans to produce during a specific period of time. 5. Cash budget(现金预算):A budget that lays out how much cash a company expects to receive and spend during a specific period of time. 6. Operating budget(经营预算):A budget that lays out a company’s expected revenues and expenses for a specific period of time. 7. Capital budget(资本预算):A budget that lays out a company’s expected capital expenditures for a specific period of time.


1. Financial ratio(财务比率):A ratio that measures a company’s financial performance. 2. Current ratio(流动比率):A ratio that measures a company’s ability to pay its current liabilities with its current assets. 3. Quick ratio(速动比率):A ratio that measures a company’s ability to pay its current liabilities with its quick assets. 4. Debt-to-equity ratio(债权比率):A ratio that measures the amount of debt financing a company has relative to its equity financing. 5. Return on investment(投资回报率):A ratio that measures a company’s profitability relative to its investment. 6. Asset turnover(资产周转率):A ratio that measures a company’s efficiency in using its assets to generate revenue. 7. Gross profit margin(毛利率):A ratio that measures the percentage of revenue that is left after subtracting the cost of goods sold.


1. Capital structure(资本结构):The mix of debt and equity financing used by a company. 2. Cost of capital(资本成本):The rate of return that a company must earn on its investments in order to satisfy its investors. 3. Capital budgeting(资本预算):The process of deciding which investments a company should make in order to maximize its long-term profitability. 4. Risk management(风险管理):The process of identifying, assessing, mitigating, and monitoring risks that may impact a company’s financial performance. 5. Financial leverage(财务杠杆):The use of debt financing to increase a company’s return on equity.




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