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远在异国他乡的你,有没有时常思乡,而“每逢佳节倍思亲”呢?不要因为地理距离的遥远而疏忽了家人的感情。在如今这个网络发达的时代,各种软件帮你更便捷更便宜的发信息、打电话,所以不要再为自己找借口。记得你的父母一直深爱着你、惦记着你。他们渐渐老去,不能陪伴在他们身边的我们,不如用我们的方式来告诉他们我们的挂念,让他们感受到我们对他们无限的爱。 Ah, the parental units. (Hopefully) your two biggest fans and supporters throughout your college journey. They’re so important, and there is no question that they deserve a few moments of your time on a regular basis. It can get really easy to consistently tell them “you’ll call them back” or “you’ll get a hold of them when you get a spare minute,” but never actually do so until they contact you again. I am just as guilty as anyone else for doing this!So, one of my goals this year, especially because it’s my senior year, has been to keep in better touch with my mom and dad, so here’s a few things I’m doing to make that possible. 啊,父母。他们你最忠实的粉丝,也是你大学旅程中最大的支持者(但愿如此。)他们重于泰山,毫无疑问他们理应能够和你时常分享时间。嘴上一直说“我晚些打回给你”或“我现在有一分钟空闲你就抓紧说吧”很容易,但是实际上直到父母再次打给你,你都从来没有回拨个电话好好聊聊。我和所有这么做的人一样感到羞愧!所以,今年,在我最后一年的大学的生活,我立下目标和爸爸妈妈保持联系,好好沟通。下面就是我想到的能帮助我实现这个目标的一些事情。 SEND THEM DAILY REMINDERS YOU’RE OKAY 日常汇报:我很好 On the days where you go from sun up to sun down, at least send them a little “goodnight” text or blurb on Facebook to let them know it’s just been a long day. Most parents I’ve talked to say that the hardest thing to accept when their child goes to college is that they don’t know if you make it into your bed every night safe and sound, unless you tell them. So, just do it. 一天从日出到日落,起码发个消息说晚安或是在微博上写句话让他们知道今天你很忙很累。我所认识的大多数家长都觉得最难接受的事情就是不知道孩子每天晚上是不是安全健康的睡觉了,除非你告诉他们。所以,就说一下吧。 GIVE THEM YOUR SCHEDULE 告诉他们你的规划 Just so they know what you have going on during the week. That way, when they want to get a hold of you, they’ll be able to check it and see when the best time to do so is. It also keeps them in the loop and gives them reassurance that if you’re not answering your phone, there is a reason why. 告诉他们你的规划他们才能知道你一周是怎么度过的。这样一来,如果他们相联系你,他们也能看看什么时间联系你最好。这么做也能和他们保持在消息圈内,即使你不没接电话他们也不至于担心。都是有理由的。 CALL THEM ON THE WEEKENDS 周末打个电话给爸妈 There has to be at least SOME time during the weekend where you can talk to your parents for longer than 5 minutes, and if there is not, then you really need to make some time for yourself! 周末你肯定会有那么一点点时间和父母聊上5分钟以上吧。如果真的连这点时间都没有,你真的需要为自己搞点时间出来! COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR VOICE 用声音传递感情 One of my professors went off on a random tangent the other day and told us to speak to our parents when we talk to them because “there is nothing like hearing your voice.” Sure we can text and email and chat online, but it will never be the same as actually having a vocal conversation with them. If you haven’t all ready, download the latest version of Skype or Facetime and get them hooked up with it too. It will be a great feeling for you and them to see each other in real time, and share some of your latest struggles, successes, and laughs. 有一天上课我的教授讲着讲着跑题了,告诉我们多和父母说说话,因为对于父母而言“没什么比听到你声音更欢喜的了”。当然我们可以发信息、发邮件、网上聊天,但是这和真真切切的陪他们说话永远不可能是一样的。如果你还没有准备好,下载一个新版本的Skype或者Facetime并且也教会他们怎么用,能实时看到对方肯定感觉特别棒。和他们分享喜爱你的忧愁、成功和喜悦吧。 MAIL THEM CARDS 寄个卡片给爸妈 Acknowledge holidays and birthdays or send them “thinking of you” cards out of the blue. There’s something about receiving a piece of mail that makes most people feel pretty special, especially since postal service use seems to be decreasing. It’s an easy and fun way to say hello and that you love and miss them. If your parents are anything like mine, you know they’ll keep the cards up for as long as they want, even when the special occasion is long gone. 在节假日和生日的时候寄个卡片给爸妈,或是干脆莫名其妙的寄张“想你”的卡片。当人们收到邮包的时候总是感到自己很特别,特别是近几年,邮政服务费用在下调。这是个既简单又有趣的方式向他们问好告诉他们你爱他们、想他们。如果你的父母像我的父母一样,他们会长时间保留所有的卡片,即使那些特殊的节日和时刻已经过去了很久很久。

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