
百乐攻略 4 0


Moving out can be one of the biggest hassles of college, and nobody looks forward to the actual process of it. Going through all your belongings can produce quite a bit of junk. But whoever said discarding all that stuff had to be a miserable experience?


1. BONFIRE. 1. 篝火 Make a leaning tower of bad memories or impulsive purchases and light that sucker on fire…in an appropriate area and with friends so you can have a legit fire with it! 将不好的回忆或是冲动购买回来的废物堆成斜塔,将这些衰物通通点火……在一个合适的区域,和朋友一起,这样以来你就能名正言顺的烧了它们! 2. SWAP IT OUT! 2. 置换 Get your friends together and take a peak at what they’re getting rid of too! If there’s something that catches your eye, look into doing a trade with them. Think of it as a…goodwill graduation gift exchange. 🙂 把朋友召集在一起,也打探喜下他们正在扔什么!如果其中恰巧有你心仪的东西,试试和朋友做个交易。把他当成一个……友好的毕业礼物交换。:) 3. BUILD A FORT. 3. 建造堡垒

Judge me but the photo you’re looking at here is of my freshman dorm room. Yep, my roommate and I definitely hung old sheets from the ceiling (it was hard) and slept in “forts” for the last week or two of school. I have no idea why we thought it’d be a good idea, but the tour group going through our dorm the same week got a kick out of it. Take your old junk and make it a competition to see who can get the most creative with their fort. Whoever wins gets to watch everyone else clean up. Heheh. 我任由各位看官评判,但是你看到的上面这张照片就是我大一的宿舍。是的,我室友和我真的在学校的最后一、两周时把旧布单从天棚挂起来(很难搞)从而睡在“城堡里”。我实在找不出理由为什么我们当时觉得这是个很棒的主意,但是同一周路过我们宿舍的一个旅游组觉得这个很搞笑。拿出你废旧的垃圾,举行个小比赛,看看谁的城堡最有创意。赢家可以坐观其他人打扫卫生哦。嘿嘿。 4. YARD SALE. 4. 庭院售物 I don’t know about you, but I love yard/garage sales. I like haggling with people and running across the eclectic items that typically comprise a college sale. You can make some extra cash, and if you join up with some friends, it will end up being a blast. Anything you have left over, give it to your local Salvation Army or Goodwill. 我不知道你是否也这样,但是我热爱庭院、车库旧物售卖。我喜欢和人们讨价还价、在折中物品中穿梭,这基本就组成了大学售卖。你能挣点外快,如果你和朋友一起举行,会像一股疾风一样结束。你剩下的所有物品,捐赠给当地的“救世军”或是“亲善”。 5. FURNITURE WAR. 5. 家具大战

There are a lot of different ways you could take this one. You could throw your old furniture to the ground and smash it to pieces. You could turn it into a prank war and put your furniture in a friend’s place and pack it full (…not like I’ve done it before…). Or, you could get REAL technical and actually make your furniture go to war…with each other, as the video demonstrates. 你可以有很多不同的方式来实施这一项。你可以抛出你的旧家具、把他们砸成碎片。你可以把他们转变成一场恶作剧大战,把你的家具放在朋友的住所然后把他们全都打包起来(……不要以为我这么做过……)。或者你可以变身技术宅,让你的家具真的参加一场战争……在家具之间,就如视频所演示的那样。

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